Thursday, March 31, 2022

 Well, it's been a very long time.  I've taken some images of the moon and was wondering what to do with them.  Then I remembered this blog.  I have lots of clouds to post, but I thought I'd dive back in with some moon photos.

The technical details: Camera: ZWO ASI224MC color camera through a Meade ETX90 EC in equatorial mode.

Mare Serenitatus (top) and Tranquilitatus (right)

Mare Frigorus (top), Serenitatus (lower left), Crisium (middle right) 

Southern Lunar Highlands

Mare Tranquilitatus (top), Nectarus (middle), and Fecunditatus (right)

If you know where to look, you can see Tranquility Base where Apollo 11 landed.

I hope to post more moon and other astro-photos here.  Stay tuned!